Because of the vigorous and potentially dangerous nature of the school's rustic natural setting, students at the
Sequoia Odyssey School are expected to adhere to a code of specifically designated rules. There are two levels.
First are the "Rules of Safety and Behavior'. These are, for the most part, based on common sense and are available
in printed form upon arrival. These change on a regular basis and are enforced with a point system.
The second tier of rules, otherwise known as "The Code of Student Conduct" is unchanging and inflexible.
Each student will have a completed rules test on file in the administrator's office before disembarking from the bus. These
rules include:
1. Intentionally hurting yourself or others
2. Wasting time or resources
3. Intentional violation of a safety rule
4. Dishonesty in an administrative meeting *
5. Fighting outside the rules
Violation of any of the above, based on the interpretation of the administration constitutes grounds for immediate
expulsion. Students expelled for cause from the Sequoia Odyssey School are NOT welcome to reapply. Decisions of this
nature are final and non-negotiable. This school is ONLY for children who want to behave.
*-Administrative meetings are conducted in private and are only held by the school director.